The New Me

I'm a working wife and mom-of-three to Xav and our twin girls -Yzzy and Zoey. We call them our "XYZ".

Monday, April 30, 2012

Milk Supply Back to Normal!

I don't know why I didn't read my book (What To Expect: The First Year) about my breastfeeding problem right away. I was thinking so hard what I did differently to have a significant drop of milk supply plus it was also timing that it happened when I went back to work after my ML. I've read in the book that having your period will cause decrease of milk. Few days after the drop, my period came (yes, first one after giving birth) but at least I was reassured that the supply will come back to normal once your hormones become stable. Maybe the separation anxiety also contributed to that, so I also followed what some friends suggested. I printed Xavier's pictures, posted them in my station and had a copy to look at while pumping. 

Let me also share that I bought a Fenugreek supplement (as most friends and books suggested) at GNC for around P1,200.00/ 100 capsules. 

I started taking them just yesterday (twice daily) and ... viola! My milk supply is back to normal! I'm planning on taking them twice daily for this week and will switch to taking them once a day until I finish the bottle. 

I'm sooooo happy!


  1. Wow - you have your period already? Bummer! I'm glad mine is still holding off for now. Glad to hear you're back to full production again, though! - Alissa

  2. Yeah bummer! Thanks to your advise on taking Fenugreek!
