The New Me

I'm a working wife and mom-of-three to Xav and our twin girls -Yzzy and Zoey. We call them our "XYZ".

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The New Me

I never thought I would be this person who thinks twice before eating something. Don't get me wrong, I still eat meat, sweets, junk food and everything I love. A LOT. I actually think it'll be hard for anyone not to. After all, we grew up in  a society that produces the unhealthiest but most delicious food. I also came from a family that cooks well! So yeah, the love for food is definitely there! It's a little by little process but don't worry we're getting there!

Even though you always see pictures of me eating, cooking and baking something, I do pay-back. Yeah, sometimes. I've long known the basics of good nutrition and staying fit but I'll be a hypocrite to say I've been very diligent about maintaining all that healthy habits. 


At first my only concern was to get my shape back but now that Xavier came into our lives, I know I have to take care of myself and my family even more. The thought of heart-attack and cancer horrifies me! 

There are 3 major challenges for me, first - my eating buddies. My husband and our families love the lifestyle of eating out plus our friends love alcohol and all that fatty pulutan! Secondly, the budget. Healthy foods are more expensive in the market. Third, the time you have to spend in preparing the food and exercising as well. Then I realized that nothing you do will ever matter when you're sick already - and since I can't completely eliminate all my food cravings (well I hope at least for now), and I can't sweat off my excess fats and calories regularly, I have a plan.

My plan is to continue substituting one of my meals to a healthy shake I recently discover until I reach my goal of XXXlbs. My shake is a low-calorie meal with the complete nutrition that my body needs. I love it because it tastes good, very healthy and so easy to prepare. I've been very enthusiastic about sharing this new found natural diet to my closest friends because I saw very good results in 2 months! I never recommend something I don't have first-hand experiences with. My husband and I will do this until we reach our weight goals. We have to lose first all the excess water and fats we've accumulated over the years of eating junk! Anyway, totally different story, you may just simply ask me about it if you're interested. I can't post all information here because good nutrition is just like teaching natural birth control or breastfeeding, you have to educate someone personally for them to really understand and get the clear message. 

Then another plan aside from having our regular walks inside our subdivision  is to have healthier options for everything- like choosing organic over commercialized products etc.. Yes, we'll definitely shop at Human Nature and Healthy Options more often! Good thing we have Mauwi as our personal Human Nature Dealer!

Another plan is to substitute our meat with biodynamic meat products. Thanks again to my friend Gada for recommending it and we don't have to cut out meat in our lives completely!

Take time to learn more about it here:

Here's their recent prince list! They deliver too for only P100.00.

Staying healthy doesn't have to be expensive at all. If you compute everything you're accustomed to buy every month, you'll realize that it's actually cheaper. Plus think about the all the benefits and good health you're getting out of it. 

Of course it's still best to get rid of all the junk food. It has been said that 50 grams of potato chips is equivalent to 30 mins of running or biking. Which is easier to do then? Bike for 30 minutes or avoid potato chips? :)  But if you can't completely get rid of them, then substitute! 

If you love yourself and if you truly care about your family, you will do your best to keep them healthy. Start introducing a healthy lifestyle to them. One day, they'll thank you for that.

Monday, June 25, 2012

On Online Shopping

Don't you just love shopping for your baby? 

Knowing me will give you an idea how OC I am. I planned my pregnancy very well. Everything was just right on schedule! Even my shopping spree was well-planned. On my 7th month of pregnancy I was literally ready for giving birth. I've completed buying all "important" things to have before giving birth. 

When I was 8 months pregnant, I couldn't afford going to the malls and walking around that much. Xavier is indeed a heavy baby (maybe because of all the food I ate which is a different story). So from my 8th-month of pregnancy until Xav was 3-months old, I was addicted to shopping online. It's not quite surprising for someone like me but let me tell you it made my life easier that time and I was very happy with all my purchases.

Here's what I do when shopping online:

1. Know the prices of the items in stores. Search the web and even call stores to get actual retail prices so you can compare them to the online prices. This way you can be sure you're getting a good deal!

2. Make sure the items are authentic. How? Buy only trusted brands and look for trusted online stores. Get feedback and recommendations from people you personally know.

3. You may ask for "actual" photos - especially if it's a second-hand item. 

4. Know the seller. Read comments, feedback or ratings from previous buyers! 

5. If it's a coupon online store and you're paying via credit card, make sure you have the complete details of your card (especially what's registered as your billing address and your name as it appears on the card).

6. Print or record all transaction numbers!

7. Plan. Make sure to order the right size, color, quantity and design! 

8. Always let the seller know you've made the money transfer or payment and send complete details!

9. Check for any item's instruction, manual or even go to to see actual videos of the items! 

10. Give comments or feedback about the product or the seller once received. This may help other buyers like you! 

Here's my favorite coupon sites, online stores and sellers:

Groupon Philippines
Deal Grocer

eBay Philippines

Purple Mom
Quirks Marketing