The New Me

I'm a working wife and mom-of-three to Xav and our twin girls -Yzzy and Zoey. We call them our "XYZ".

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breastfeeeding Update

Okay now I'm officially decreasing my pumping schedule. Makes me sad to remember my bonding moment with X.E.. I'm down with twice a day - one before going to work and another one before going to sleep. I'm still getting 5oz. each time though. Xavier is turning 8 months and I think I will stop breastfeeding him by them. It's hard when you're working and can't keep up with your baby's appetite! The time needed for pumping every 2-3 hours daily seems impossible to sustain for me - plus since he started on solids it's harder to have him latch on me. Sigh.

Oh well, gonna keep all my BF gadgets for the next baby then. 

1 comment:

  1. 8 months is not bad. :) I know how you feel about this and once you stopped, you will miss the feeling of it.
