The New Me

I'm a working wife and mom-of-three to Xav and our twin girls -Yzzy and Zoey. We call them our "XYZ".

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Two Goals In This Twin Pregnancy

Thirty weeks today! Woot woot! I have two main goals in this pregnancy:

1. To deliver the twins at 37 weeks. 
2. To deliver them at a minimum of 5 lbs. each. 

At the onset of this pregnancy I have already been warned that I may not be able to deliver them at 38 weeks. Twins come out earlier. My OB said she would be very very happy if I even reach 37 weeks. I will be delivering via CS method again and we have decided to do it on my 37th week. That will be on October 30. My goal is to reach that date. I haven't been preparing that much compared with our preparations with Xavier before. I've done a little baby shopping but no hospital bag, strollers, etc. I want to prepare when October comes. Putting my mind set to delivering them on Oct. 30. I don't want them to spend time in the NICU and have a lot of complications because they are born prematurely. 

Next goal to is have them at least 5 lbs. each.  I don't want them to have the low birth weight complications. I want both of them to be ready to breathe well and nurse so they can come home with us right away. 

It's very hard to stay positive every time I feel all the pregnancy pains. I hardly sleep now. I wake up every hour to pee and drink plus my itchy stretch marks keep me awake almost all night. I can hardy walk this time. It's a challenge to eat too. Makes my tummy big and it's more difficult for me to breathe. 

With all my discomforts I just tell myself to be patient and carry on because what's important is to see my twins healthy, just like when Xavier was born. Until that day, I will be happy everyday that the twins are doing okay inside my tummy and they're also patiently waiting to meet us on Oct. 30. 

Please send some prayers for us. Thanks!

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