The New Me

I'm a working wife and mom-of-three to Xav and our twin girls -Yzzy and Zoey. We call them our "XYZ".

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sudden Turn of Events: A Scheduled C-Section for Me!

Isn't it ironic that after my mental, physical and emotional preparation for a natural birth, my doctor said that she needs to do a Hysteroscopic removal of my uterine septum?

10 Weeks 3 Days Ultrasound showing a Septum

Yes, a septum can be resected with surgery. In this way, I'm being prepared for the next baby. We need to do this procedure to avoid any other problems in my next pregnancy (should we decide to get pregnant again). It is known that a septum is associated with a higher risk for miscarriage, premature birth, and malpresentation. According to the classical study by Buttram there is a 60% risk of a spontaneous abortion, this being more common in the second than in the first trimester. There are a lot of cases that a septum has not caused any problems and thus may not be removed but since I experienced a miscarriage before, my doctor would want to avoid that next time. Also, it's for our own peace of mind.

This pregnancy is truly a miracle for us. Having a lot of issues and risks from first to the last trimester, we are so thankful every single day for giving us the opportunity to carry Baby Xav for 32 weeks now. I don't mind whether it'll be natural or c-section, what's important for me is to bring him out safely and be able to embrace him alive. I'm so excited!

We will be choosing a date soon, but doctor said it can be from February 8-20. I think we'll choose February 8 since we are so excited to see him in person already.

1 comment:

  1. love your blog sweetie will help me someday I'm sure. :)
